Miri Women's Health

Herpes, Tubal Obstruction, Vaginal Infection, Vaginal lubricant, Infection, Pelvic, Infection of Pelvic, ERT, HRT, Estrogen, Inadequate, Vaginal, Lubricant

Vaginal Infection

Vaginal irritation Among the most distressing of the many factors in dyspareunia are the complaints of burning, itching, or aching in the vagina during or after intercourse. The existence of chronic vaginal irritation frequently robs women of their full freedom…

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Sexual, Female dyspareunia, Pelvic, Orgasmic

Female Dyspareunia

Intercourse Pain For years, a woman’s complaint “it hurts when I have intercourse” has been an anathema to the therapist. Even after an adequate pelvic examination, the therapist frequently cannot be sure whether the patient is complaining of definitive but…

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Dyspareunia, Breast,Female,Sexual Dysfunction,Female Sexual Dysfunction, Menopause Aches and Pains, Non-Orgasmic


The term dyspareunia difficult or painful coitus has always been presumed to refer to coital distress in women. The word stems from Greek, and somewhat freely translates into “badly mated.” Since no comparable word reflecting or suggesting coital distress for…

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lubrication, sexual lubrication

Sexual Lubrication

Probably the most frequent cause for dyspareunia originating with symptoms of burning, itching, or aching is a lack of adequate production of vaginal lubrication with sexual functioning. During attempted penile intromission or with long-maintained coital connection, there must be adequate…

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pelvic syndromes, sex

Sex, Pelvic Syndromes

One of the most obscure of pelvic syndromes, yet one of the most psychosexually crippling, is traumatic laceration of the ligaments supporting the uterus. This syndrome was described clinically. Five women have been referred to the Foundation for relief of…

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Sex, Menopause, Fertility Frequency, Breast, Enhancement, Breast Enhancement, Woman, Sexuality

Woman Sexuality

A separate discussion of female sexuality is necessary primarily because the role assigned to the functional component of a woman’s sexual identity rarely has been accorded the socially enforced value afforded male sexuality. While the parallel between sexes as to…

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Fertility Donation, Woman, Sexual, Phrase

Woman Sexual Phrase

She responds physiologically to sex-tension elevation. The four phases of the female cycle of sexual response established in the 1960s will be employed to identify clinically important vasocongestive and myotonic reactions developing in the pelvic viscera of any woman responding…

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sexual value

Sexual Values

An interesting variation on this classification of repression should be mentioned. There were several primarily non-orgasmic women whose receptivity to the repressive conditioning was slightly different. Their own particular personality characteristics or their relationship to negatively directive authority was such…

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