Menopause Cessation
As we know, the most striking symptom indicating the change of life is the sudden or gradual cessation of the menses at a suitably advanced age. As regards the manner of this menopause cessation of the menses, the most varied…
As we know, the most striking symptom indicating the change of life is the sudden or gradual cessation of the menses at a suitably advanced age. As regards the manner of this menopause cessation of the menses, the most varied…
Commonly known as the “change of life,” it is the period in a woman’s life when her reproductive capacity ceases, the ovaries ceasing to mature ova and to render them capable of fertilization, in addition, it also stops producing the…
What is Menopause? Women often feel confused about just what this important passage will do to their lives and how they should approach it. Part of the reason is that no one (doctor, friend, or scientific study) can tell a…
Usually of the dull, aching variety, develops for some men who spend a significant amount of time in sexual play or in reading pornographic literature, concurrently maintaining erections for lengthy periods of time without ejaculating within the immediate present. Frequent…
Many men are distracted from and even denied effective sexual functioning by painful stimuli occasioned during or after sexual functioning. The symptoms will be described in relation to the anatomical site of pain, the external anatomy, such as the surface…
A disease in which implants of endometrial tissue spread throughout the pelvic viscera and their protective covering, the peritoneum. When examined microscopically, this ectopic tissue resembles the lining of the inner cavity of the uterus. The tubes, ovaries, broad ligaments,…
When considering intense pain elicited during coital functioning as opposed to vaginal aching or irritation, the therapist generally should look beyond the confines of the vaginal barrel for existent pathology involving the reproductive viscera. Infection of Uterus and Ovaries Infection…
It arises with deep penetration of the penis. Women describe the pain associated with intercourse to be as if their husbands had “hit something” with the penis during deep vaginal penetration. These involved women may note other physical irritations frequently…
Vaginal Lubricant Probably the most frequent cause for dyspareunia originating with symptoms of burning, itching, or aching is the lack of adequate production of vaginal lubrication with sexual functioning. During attempted penile intromission or with long-maintained coital connection, there must…
When chronic vaginal irritation is suggested by direct inspection of the vaginal barrel and confirmed by adequately stained vaginal smear or hanging-drop preparation of the vaginal discharge, which may be profuse and irritating, the husband also should be suspected of…