Miri Women's Health

Intercourse Position

The husband has directed to place himself in a sitting (slightly reclining, if desired) position, with his back against a comfortable placement of pillows at the headboard of the bed. With the husband’s legs adequately separated to allow his wife…

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Male Sex Steroid

Little is known of the male climacteric. When does it occur, if it develops? Is it a constant occurrence? What is the specific symptomatology? Should sex-steroid-replacement techniques be employed? What, if any, are the patterns of sexual responsivity engendered by…

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aging male, sex

Aging Male Sex

Aging Male Sex The natural aging process creates some specific physiological changes in the male cycle of sexual response. Knowledge of these cycle variations has not been widely disseminated. There have been little concept of a physiological basis for differentiating…

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Aging Male & Female

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female. A…

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