Miri Women's Health

Orgasm Dysfunction

The potential for orgasmic dysfunction: highlighted in the psychosocial-sexual histories of those women in marital units referred to the Foundation can be described in a composite profile. A baseline of dysfunctional distress was provided by specific material recalled not only…

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Male Orgasm Influence

Professionals many times look for a specific influence or conditioning that predetermines sexual failure, and in most instances, it can be identified if the delving goes deep enough. Instances of neither positive nor negative dominance by either biophysical or psychosocial…

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Male Sex & Religion

While the multiplicity of etiological influences is acknowledged, the factor of religious orthodoxy remains of major import in primary orgasmic dysfunction as in almost every form of human sexual inadequacy. Investigation of 193 women who have never achieved orgasmic return…

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Aging Male & Female

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female. A…

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