Miri Women's Health

Miri Women's Health

Psycho Physiological Influence of Orgasm


The human female’s facility of physiological response to sexual tensions and her capacity for orgasmic release never have been fully appreciated. Lack of comprehension may have resulted from the fact that functional evaluation was filtered through the encompassing influence of…

Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women

Anal Sex, Sexual Behaviour, Sex Drive, Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women, Vitro Fertilization

Since, as far as is known, elevated levels of female sexual tension are not technically necessary to conception, the natural function of woman’s sexuality has been repressed in the service of false propriety and restricted by other unnecessary psychosocial controls…

Menopause Dryness

性卫生, Menopause Dryness, Lining Walls

Menopause Dryness Dry eyes Dry eyes can be common as we age. The signs of dry eyes are itching, a scratchy feeling, redness, tearing, tingling, and irritation. Paradoxically, dry eyes can cause excessive tearing. Eyelashes fall out more easily as…

Menopause Gain and Hair Loss


Changes in the hair are common as people age. Scalp and pubic hair gets thinner and loses body; simultaneously, hair may sprout and thicken in unaccustomed and undesirable places such as the chin, the upper lip, and the abdomen! Hair…

Menopause Insomnia and Fatique

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Menopause Insomnia Almost everyone has trouble falling or staying asleep once in a while or wakes up tired in spite of having spent “enough” hours in bed. However, insomnia often increases in women who are going through menopause. Nearly one-fourth…

Menopause and Period

尿失禁, Menopause, Period, Estrogen, Osteoporosis, Women

Menopause and Period Most women experience some form of discomfort 1-2 weeks before or during their menstrual period. As they get closer to menopause, both psychological and physical symptoms may intensify. Cramps, back pain, bloating, swollen and tender breasts, food…

Menopause Aches and Pains

Dyspareunia, Breast,Female,Sexual Dysfunction,Female Sexual Dysfunction, Menopause Aches and Pains, Non-Orgasmic

Menopause Aches and Pains Aches and pains are usually the body’s way of indicating that something is wrong. But having said that, we must note that aches and pains grow more common in older people as muscles and joints age.…

Menopause and Progesterone

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Progesterone This hormone is also important for a woman’s health during and after menopause. As explained, progesterone influences your mood and protects against several serious health problems. Your menstrual cycle, skin, and breasts together with estrogen, progesterone regulate your menstrual…

Female Hormones

Female, Hormone, Female Hormone, Imbalance Female Hormone, Female Hormones

We learn that cessation of menstrual would also mean the cessation of ovarian activity. The ovary being both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, its function is not restricted to ovulation; it also collaborates with some of the other endocrine…

Menopause and Lifestyle

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Is menopause a sign of aging or hormone imbalance? Although science has been studying aging for decades, we’re still not sure what aging actually is, let alone what causes it. One theory is that to a certain extent aging is…