Miri Women's Health

Miri Women's Health

Ejaculations, Seminal Fluid

Seminal-fluid volume is gradually reduced during the aging process. In the younger man with 24-36 hours of prior ejaculatory continence, the total, seminal-fluid volume averages 3-5 ml, while with a similar continence pattern, an output of 2-3 ml is within…

Aging Male Sex

aging male, sex

Aging Male Sex The natural aging process creates some specific physiological changes in the male cycle of sexual response. Knowledge of these cycle variations has not been widely disseminated. There have been little concept of a physiological basis for differentiating…

Aging Male & Female

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female. A…

Aging Male Ejaculation

Probably the most important psychophysiological alteration of sexual patterning to develop during the 50 to 70 year period is the human male’s loss of high levels of ejaculatory demand. So many men in the older age groups consider themselves too…


There’s hope:  An Herbal  Supplement for Men Vitroman herbal supplements are designed to meet the needs of men’s vital parts by increasing circulation and supporting the immune system. The ingredients of the herbal supplement are scientifically extracted from well-known natural sources…

Sexual Function Contribution

During the rapid treatment program, the daily report and ensuing discussions between the co-therapists and marital partners describing the non-orgasmic wife’s reactions and as well as those of her interacting husband, provide an incisive measure of the degree to which…

Treatment Of Orgasmic Dysfunction

Treat Orgasm Neither the biophysical nor the psychosocial systems which influence the expression of the human sexual component have a biologically controlled demand to make specifically positive or negative contributions to sexual function. This fact does not alter the potential…

Female on Top Position

When the marital partners extend their psychosensory interchange to coition in the female-superior position, the wife once mounted is instructed to hold herself quite still and simply to absorb the awareness of penile containment. Interspersed with moments of sensate pleasure…

Woman Sexuality

Woman Sexuality A separate discussion of female sexuality is necessary primarily because the role assigned to the functional component of a woman’s sexual identity rarely has been accorded the socially enforced value afforded male sexuality. While the parallel between sexes…