Miri Women's Health

Miri Women's Health

Orgasm Dysfunction

orgasm dysfunction

The potential for orgasmic dysfunction: highlighted in the psychosocial-sexual histories of those women in marital units referred to the Foundation can be described in a composite profile.

Male Sex & Religion

While the multiplicity of etiological influences is acknowledged, the factor of religious orthodoxy remains of major import in primary orgasmic dysfunction as in almost every form of human sexual inadequacy.

Male Sexual Dysfunction

male sexual dysfunction, sexual function

To be diagnosed as having primary orgasmic dysfunction, a woman must report a lack of orgasmic attainment during her entire lifespan. There is no definition of male sexual dysfunction that parallels this severity of exclusion.

Sexual Function Contribution

During the rapid treatment program, the daily report and ensuing discussions between the co-therapists and marital partners describing the non-orgasmic wife’s reactions and as well as those of her interacting husband, provide an incisive measure of the degree to which…

Intercourse Position

The husband has directed to place himself in a sitting (slightly reclining, if desired) position, with his back against a comfortable placement of pillows at the headboard of the bed. With the husband's legs adequately separated to allow his wife to sit between them, she should recline with her back against his chest, pillowing her head on his shoulder.